


利用…… 非法的方式 让我们来帮你! 所有的要求都要提出 三周前 to the desired date to ensure successful marketing to students. 参考 校历 和 停电日期 below for the best recruiting days. 

Although the level of support needed may be customized, all recruiting events that are requested through CaPS include:

  • 有针对性的营销. 我们有直接的联系方式,所以让我们帮你接触你正在招募的学生群体.
  • 技术诀窍. We can provide the technology platforms needed, as well as the troubleshooting expertise, to guarantee a successful event.
  • 进度管理. CaPS代表您向注册学生发送事件提醒,因为我们这些天都很忙.
  • 的一天-event支持. No need to worry about technical difficulties, our team is available on event day to 帮助 both you 和 students.
  • 中心报告. To 帮助 you follow up after your event, CaPS可以提供与您合作的学生的联系信息

Once you submit your event request, 您可以在3个工作日内收到职业和专业成功团队的电子邮件,以确认和/或进一步讨论您的活动细节. Please note: the 2024春季招聘季 is closed, check back later for information on the Fall 2024 Recruiting Season.

学习 about best practices for all recruiting options


On Campus and Virtual Interviews


By requesting a virtual or in-person interview with UNH, CaPS is also here to assist you with the following:

  • Building your interview schedule in 握手
  • Setting up your technology needs
  • 监控你的申请人池
  • Marketing your opportunity to students

的一天, 我们将为您提供面试日包-包括您的最终日程安排和学生简历-并且很乐意帮助解决任何技术故障或与学生沟通.

Plan to host interviews completely on your own? 您仍然可以与CaPS合作! We can 帮助 to amplify your efforts and increase your applicant pool. By posting your upcoming interviews in 握手, your position(s) and connected interviews will be visible to all 14,000+ of our students and promoted on all CaPS social media pages. 通过与CaPS合作,你可以扩大你的影响范围,提高你的机会.


首先登录你的 握手 账户.

跟随握手的 循序渐进的指导 申请面试,请使用以下方式申请面试: 

面试时间 Employer Name – Virtual Interviews

联系人: 请提供贵公司面试官的姓名和联系方式. 您可以包括工作人员,即使他们没有握手配置文件

  • This information is 帮助ful day-of if any issues or questions arise

Want to manage the schedule yourself? Select 房间 只有 当提出请求时. 

  • A student interview list is required prior to your confirmed interview date.
  • 请发邮件给我 template,完整填写,至 员工关系 至少提前2天 to your scheduled interview date. 
    • Unless you have reserved 2 rooms, 填写此模板时,请避免安排重叠的面试
    • 我们将使用提供的联系方式与学生进行后勤沟通

Once you submit your virtual interview request through 握手, 您可以期待职业生涯和职业成功团队的电子邮件,讨论您的面试需求和技术后勤(我们提供电话或视频链接,而不是我们与您协调使用您自己的虚拟面试平台)。.

Manage Your Virtual Interview Schedule

登入你的 握手  账户 and click on the middle section under 要求面试. You will be able to click on your personalized schedule. 

  • The top left tab is where you can Review 申请人.
  • 中间的标签是你可以 构建面试包.
  • The top right tab is where you can 管理工作. You can edit/delete your existing job, create a new job or copy job details.  
  • 在你计划日期的页面中间,你可以编辑任何时间段以及学生注册.
  • Please pay careful attention to the 时间轴 在左手边. These are important application deadlines.


  • 首先登录你的 握手 账户.
  • 查看 循序渐进的指导 to request your on campus interview. 
  • 我只想要一间审讯室? Select 房间 只有 当提出请求时. A student interview list is required prior to your confirmed interview date. 请使用“提供” template 然后完整填写. 

Manage Your On Campus Interview Schedule

登入你的 握手  账户 and click on the middle section under 要求面试. You will be able to click on your personalized schedule. 

  • The top left tab is where you can Review 申请人.
  • 中间的标签是你可以 构建面试包.
  • The top right tab is where you can 管理工作. You can edit/delete your existing job, create a new job or copy job details.  
  • 在你预定日期的页面中间,你可以编辑任何时间段,也可以编辑学生注册.
  • Please pay careful attention to the 时间轴 在左手边. These are important application deadlines.

Additional Recruiting Options: Campus-Wide

信息嵌合 - Memorial Union Building ($75)

Hosting an information table at UNH is a great way to raise brand awareness, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. 

  • Located in the heart of our campus, 纪念联盟大楼(MUB)是我们的学生中心,每天吸引成千上万的学生. 
  • 餐桌发生在“联合法院”外,我们的校园柜台服务用餐地点之一. 
  • 在一个非常显眼的MUB位置与来自UNH所有课程的学生互动.
  • 3 hour tabling slots are available Monday-Thursday 11:00AM-2:00PM.
  •  桌子和两把椅子
  •  方便停车
  •  Student-focused social media marketing

Interested in recruiting students from across UNH? Submit your tabling request via our UNH CaPS On-Campus Recruiting Bookings Page.

Tabling requests can be made through our 雇主 bookings website. 请注意,在我们的团队成员确认之前,您的请求不会最终确定. Once you submit your event request, 您可以在3个工作日内收到职业和专业成功团队的电子邮件,以确认并进一步讨论您的活动细节. 




    安排10分钟, one-on-one meetings with students for informational or mock interviews, 简历审查, 或问&A about your organization or industry.



    Interested in one of the above options? 电子邮件 雇主 提交请求.

    Additional on-campus recruitment options are subject to college availability. 请参阅下面的机会可根据您所期望的大学人口. Once you submit your event request, 您可以在3个工作日内收到职业和专业成功团队的电子邮件,以确认和/或进一步讨论您的活动细节. 




      请浏览我们的 CaPS职业活动 page for more details on the fairs being hosted this semester.

      • 登录 到你的握手账户
      • 使用这些有用的方法 演练和资源 to guide you through the fair experience on 握手


        Additional Recruiting Options: College-Specific

        地点将根据您的握手行业和所需的学生人数进行分配. 针对大学的招聘只提供给符合UNH学生群体和行业需求的雇主. Please request access to targeted college recruitment options via email at 雇主

        工程学院 & 物理科学


        Hosting an information table at UNH is a great way to raise brand awareness, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. 在学期的特定日期,可以在金斯伯里大厅提供cps表格. 雇主应该计划用抽奖等激励措施来吸引学生, 披萨, 或者其他零食.

        •  桌子和两把椅子
        •  方便停车
        •  Student-focused social media marketing

        卫生学院 & 人类服务




        生命科学学院 & 农业


        让学生有机会“顺便”与你见面,就职业建议和见解进行一对一的交谈, 网络, or to answer company-specific questions. COLSA的上门服务时间为周一至周三的常规职业上门服务时间下午1:00 -3:00.

        • 方便的咨询地点
        • 方便停车
        • Student-focused social media marketing



        彼得T. 保罗商学院 & 经济学


        Hosting an information table at UNH is a great way to raise brand awareness, 市场未平仓, 认识新同学. 保罗桌位提供3个小时的时段,周一至周四上午10:00 -下午4:00.

        •  桌子和两把椅子
        •  方便停车
        •  Student-focused social media marketing

        有兴趣参加课堂演讲的雇主可以联系保罗职业咨询团队,将其添加到雇主演讲列表中. 雇主 are not permitted to reach out to faculty directly; all requests must go through the Paul CaPS Team.


        • 至少提前3周提交您的申请,以便我们有时间向学生推销您的活动.
        • 在你要求参加活动之前或同时,把所有相关的工作机会发到握手.
        • 在学生握手的请求描述部分包含尽可能多的信息. 
        • 电子邮件 雇主 任何公司的营销内容 ,包括社交媒体处理,这样我们就可以把你的品牌尽可能地传达给学生.  
        • We cannot guarantee attendance for virtual events or signups for interviews.  


        We understand recruitment can be difficult without proper resources. 我们很乐意与您合作,确定其他招聘机会,使新罕布什尔州的中小企业蓬勃发展. 请与我们联系 雇主 to discuss possibilities that may work for you.

        Additional 握手 Information:



        • Begins Tuesday, September 3 for on-campus and virtual interviews and events
        • 截止日期为12月6日星期五(提交招聘申请的最后一天为11月15日星期五)


        No recruiting event or interview requests for these dates will be accepted.
        September 13: Accounting 职业生涯 Fair
        September 20-27: 职业生涯 Fair Week
        October 18: UNH Homecoming Weekend
        October 23: 职业生涯 Fair at UNH Manchester
        November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break