
One of the primary functions of SAS is to engage students in the interactive accommodation process. Accommodations are personalized supports that remove specific barriers with the goal of ensuring an individual can meet essential requirements or perform their job duties. The purpose of accommodations is not to change the standards or alter requirements, 而是提供不同的接触个人的方式. 

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and are the result of an individualized assessment. Accommodation requests should be considered as individual requests and investigated as such. 这个互动过程的结果是学生住宿. Accommodations range in type and implementation depending on the nature and impact of the student’s condition. Though there is a great deal of flexibility with the types of accommodations approved, 住宿条件各不相同, but accommodations cannot fundamentally alter an essential requirement (美国残疾人法案第二章条例| ADA.政府). 这并不是说不应该考虑修改, but they need to be considered within the con文本 of essential requirements.



The ADA regulations also make a distinction between accommodations and auxiliary aids and services. 第二章规定的定义如下:

(1) Qualified interpreters on-site or through video remote interpreting (VRI) services; notetakers; real-time computer-aided transcription services; written materials; exchange of written notes; telephone handset amplifiers; assistive listening devices; assistive listening systems; telephones compatible with hearing aids; closed caption decoders; open and closed captioning, including real-time captioning; voice, 文本, 以及基于视频的电信产品和系统, 包括短信电话, 用可视电话, 以及附有文字说明的电话, or equally effective telecommunications devices; video文本 displays; accessible electronic and information technology; or other effective methods of making aurally delivered information available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing;

(2) Qualified readers; taped 文本s; audio recordings; Brailled materials and displays; screen reader software; magnification software; optical readers; secondary auditory programs (SAP); large print materials; accessible electronic and information technology; or other effective methods of making visually delivered materials available to individuals who are blind or have low vision;

(3) Acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; and

(4)其他类似的服务和行为. (美国残疾人法案第二章条例| ADA.政府)

这个区别很重要. While universities are not responsible for providing personal services, they are responsible for providing students with auxiliary aids and services. It should be noted that many of these are related to accessibility requirements. 


SAS与学生一起批准住宿. 住房 accommodations are applicable across all residence halls and UNH housing options. 住房住宿的类型多种多样,但最常见的是:

  • 安排住宿
  • 生活环境住宿
  • 厨房设施
  • 浴室设施
  • 情感支持动物(esa)

Specific accommodations depend on the student need and housing availability.

SAS不能批准校外学生的住房申请. Off-campus students must engage in the interactive process established by the landlord of the off-campus living space.


It is important to distinguish general requests from housing-only requests. 尽管美国残疾人法和504条款在考虑住房时仍然适用, housing accommodations need to be considered within the mandates of the Fair 住房 Act (FHA).

The FHA calls for the provision of reasonable accommodations and modifications within housing. “合理的住宿是一种改变, 异常, 或者对规则的调整, 政策, 实践, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling, 包括公共和公用空间.” (HUD - Assessing a Person’s Request to Have an Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair 住房 Act)

It should be noted that HUD also explicitly states that it can include modifications as well (合理的调整和修改| HUD.政府 / U.S. 住房和城市发展部(HUD)). 一般, 当他们考虑修改的时候, it is within the con文本 of modifying a living space with things like chair rails or accessible furniture. 和其他有关住宿的法律一样, modifications do not have to be provided if they constitute an undue burden or a fundamental alteration to a program. 整体, the goal is for the individual to have “full enjoyment” of the premises, and this might indicate the need for accommodations or modifications.


Temporary accommodations are accommodations that are fully approved through SAS, 但被批准的时间有限. These are accommodations that are provided to students with a temporary condition (for instance, 身体状况或脑震荡). To receive temporary accommodations, students still go through all SAS processes as written. 唯一的区别是强加的时间限制. 

Student approved for temporary accommodations may apply for permanent accommodations at any time. 请注意:

  • SAS may request additional documentation to establish the condition is permanent
  • SAS may request additional meetings to discuss permanent accommodations
  • Accommodations approved temporarily are not automatically approved permanently, 而是依赖于互动过程的结果


Provisional supports should not be confused with temporary accommodations. 临时支援由SAS酌情提供, SAS没有义务提供这些支持. Provisional supports are provided to students when students have provided incomplete documentation for full approval, but the documentation is complete enough to decide that supports are likely needed. 这使学生能够获得支持, but also provides them with additional time to complete the documentation requirement.